

I really, really, really hate Awps.
You may not know what that is, and if you don't this rant has no meaning to you, so fuck off.

Seriously, I consider Awps to be nothing more than very poor game balancing. If a weapon is as bitched about in a game as the Awp is, then there is obviously something wrong with it. You have to listen to player input to balance a game. The players have spoken, and they say, "FUCK AWPS".
Example: Blizzard's StarCraft had spawning pools available for only 150 minerals. This caused Zerg players to be able to make a group of zerglings well before any other race could set up any defense. In patch 1.06 they upped it's cost to 200 minerals. Blizzard saw that while the 'Zerg Rush' was a perfectly honest stragety, it pissed off many, many players, and so they went in and changed it up a bit.
Valve needs to do this with the Awp. A one hit kill gun is not a balanced gun in any sense of the word. I don't think it needs to be removed, I think it needs to take more skill and patience to get kills with. Something like an unstable scope, more like if you were actually holding a sniper rifle. You'd have to actually wait to line up your shot, not just BAM DEAD.

Seriously, Valve, what the fuck were you thinking?

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